Cure the Burnout Blues With these 5 Tips

Hey Sexy Soulful Babe!

Do you have the Burnout Blues?  Yes, it is a real thing!  In this article, I talk about the Burn Out Blues and what you can do to allow more ease into your life.

Read to learn:

  • (1) The Burnout Blues
  • (2) Masculine & Feminine Energy
  • (3) How do you shift from your masculine energy
  • (4) 5 Tips to Cure Burn Out Blues
  • (5) Hell Yeah vs. Well Ok
  • (6) Journal Prompt to allow more ease into your life


More women today are burning out more than ever.

Why is this the case?

Women are nurturers.  You sometimes take this natural quality so far that you nurture everyone around us before taking care of ourselves.  This includes your careers and your businesses.  You put so much pressure on ourselves to do, do, do without refueling or saying no.

How to know if you are heading for the Burnout Blues?

  • You feel overwhelmed and stressed on a daily basis.  You keep pushing yourself to get things done even though you feel as though you would rather rest.
  • You feel exhausted.  No amount of sleep or rest is enough.  You feel as though you are moving in quicksand and you are losing have the passion or drive you once had.
  • You are becoming disinterested in your work and unmotivated to continue.

When I was putting this blog post together I was checking out all of the quotes created to inspire and motivate entrepreneurs.

The majority of the quotes were focused on “getting stuff done”, “work hard” “sleepless nights” “16 hour days” “do do do do do.

Masculine Energy vs Feminine Energy

There are two types of energies that are within all humans (women and men alike).

There’s Masculine Energy which is based on action-oriented energies representing your left brain.  In this energy, you are more directindependentanalyticalproblem-solvingplanninglogical and thinking.


There’s also Feminine Energy which is more right brain.  In this energy, you are intuitive, receptive, collaborative, creative, nurturing, compassionate and feeling.

When running a business, it is common to operate mostly in the masculine energy which eventually causes you to feel tired, overworked, stressed…all symptoms of burnout.

Both the Masculine and Feminine energies are beneficial.  Balancing these energies will make you a better business person and leader.  You will not only feel more balanced and whole but you may even feel more like your true self.


Knowing when to flow in and out of each energy is key.  When you find yourself exhausted or overwhelmed it is time to shift from your masculine energy and step into your feminine.  Here are 5 ways to do it.


1. Slow Down More Often

Schedule in some free time on your calendar similar to how you schedule in a meeting.  Take this time to to be quiet or have some fun.

2. Take Long Deep Full Breaths

We get so focused we no longer breathe fully.  Sit quiet and take a few full what I call Yoga breaths.

Inhale filling up your lower belly, then your middle belly and lastly your chest.

Then exhale letting the air out of your chest first, then the middle belly and then the lower belly.

Enjoy your breath.  Feel your breath.

Try to do this a few times a day.  Take bathroom breaks and take 4 deep breaths.  You’ll be surprised how rejuvenated you feel.  Your mind will become calmer and you will be able to 1) concentrate better and 2) make better choices.

3. Quiet Your Mind

Meditate.  Even if it is only for 10 Minutes a Day, meditation is a form of self-care that allows you to hear your inner voice.

4. Listen to your Intuition

That inner voice that you can now hear since you are meditating… that is your intuition.  It is your guidance.  You should listen to this guidance because your internal self can sense things that you cannot.

5. Allow More

Be more open to letting things flow.   It is ok not to CONTROL every single aspect of your day.

Now you are ready…You are more open to receiving.  Now you can listen, follow guidance and take inspired action.


Focus on the HELL YEAH vs. Well it’s OK It is something to do.   Stop settling and just doing things you really aren’t feeling.

I am not saying you won’t have to do anything.  I am saying that pushing yourself to do something just for the sake of “doing” isn’t productive.

  • Take a few minutes to quiet your mind.

  • Set an intention to do what feels as though it is pulling you towards it.

  • Listen to that quiet voice and then take the action that feels most inspired.

  • Go with what is pulling you into that direction.  If nothing feels inspired then wait.  Focus on something else.  Allow inspiration to come.

There are so many other ways that you can cure the burnout blues.

  • One way is to allow more ease and flow into your life.  I promise you will love the way you feel and dare I say accomplish more by pushing less!

Journal Prompt


What would it feel to allow more ease into my life?

In your journaling have fun with it.  Remember to dig deep.  Keep asking yourself why you responded in a certain way.  And get to the bottom of the reason why you aren’t doing whatever it is now.  THEN, shift to what you want to do.  Write about what you desire it to be as if it has already happened!

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: Feelz



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