How to Manifest What You Want

Hey Gorgeous!

How often do you find yourself asking why manifestation isn’t working for you? If you say “Never” Congratulations!! You are a part of a very small group of people. 

We all struggle at some point in this Metaphysical Conscious Creation Journey. I – a Manifestation Teacher who is known as The Manifestation Queen – struggle at times as well.


I get hundreds of questions every day from people just like you who have no clue what to do or where to start when it comes to Creating their Reality. I was there which means I didn’t understand or have any clue.

The Good News is you do not have to understand in order for it to work.  BUT…If you are reading this we are very similar, therefore you have to understand in order to allow it to work for you effortlessly. For me the more I understand something then it becomes so much easier.



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I receive the question “How do You Manifest What You Want” on a daily basis. Everyone wants to know how Manifestation Works, what steps to take, how to manifest quickly, and how to “use” the Secret. 

Because of this, I created something pretty awesome for you. It is called the Manifest Like Magic Series. These 7 Videos are short succinct and to the point but help to answer your main question.

Intentional Manifestation

I know how to Intentionally Manifest. I’ve done it in my own life and It has changed my life in so many ways.

I’ve manifested moves to amazing cities, world travel, double and tripled my salary, great positions with top Fortune 100 companies, flirtations with really cool celebrities, leaving my corporate executive job with a successful entrepreneurial business and a book deal to name a few things.

When you can intentionally, consciously co-create with The Universe you get to manifest a dream life that you ACTUALLY ENJOY living. 

Manifest Like Magic Series

In this Manifest Like Magic seven Video Series you’ll discover:

    • My 6 Step Manifesting formula

    • Why Clarity is so important.

    • The little talked about Manifesting Step

    • Shift Limiting Beliefs is easier than you think

    • How to speak the language of the Universe

    • Quick Manifestations & Inspired Actions are Connected

    • Letting Go doesn’t mean giving up

Also, you will get to receive 7 freebies specifically for each video.

6 Step Formula Video 1 – Download the 6 Steps to Manifesting Summary

Ask – Step 1 – Video 2 – The Ask Guide – Journal Prompts for Clarity

Decide – Step 2 – Video 3 – The Audio – “I Decide to / I Get to” to shift your energy to Deciding

Believe – Step 3 – Video 4 – The Belief Shifting Process Guide which includes the steps to shifting quickly and 3 Journal Prompts to help you uncover what is right under the surface

Feelz – Step 4 – 
Video 5 – Get the Vibe Up Bundle and learn 11 Ways to Raise Your Vibe Quickly

Act – Step 5 – Video 6 – Get the Journal Manifesting Mini Course while it is Free to help connect to your intuition and take inspired action.

Surrender – Step 6 – Video 7 – Get the Surrender Mediation because I know as a high performer you like CONTROL. This audio is to help you release control and allow The Universe to help you more.

How Cool Is That?

If you are looking to create a life filled with MORE and actually Co-Create what you desire with ease, consistently and on REPEAT then you are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE these videos.

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: : Manifestation



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