4 Tips to Feel Grateful All Day Long

Hi Beautiful Soul!

When living life, often times you forget to be grateful for what you have and what is happening in your life.  Here are 4 Tips to help you generate momentum in appreciation and cultivate a feeling of gratitude all day long.

4 Tips to Feel Grateful ALL DAY LONG

  1. Start Your Day
  2. Awareness
  3. Stop Complaining
  4. Finish Your Day


The best start to your day is to begin it with gratitude.  Grab a journal and jot down 5-10 things you appreciate and truly feel appreciation for each item.  Connect to your Soul when you appreciating and truly feel it in your Heart using your heart’s powerful magnetic field.  I place my hands on my heart to help bring my focus and attention there.  Say and FEEL “Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.”


Don’t forget to appreciate something about yourself, something that you are manifesting into your reality and something about someone special in your life.


There is only one moment which is the present moment.  The unaware focus on the past or the future.  By doing this you reduce your power. Your power is in the present.

Being aware of your true feelings and emotions is key to practicing gratitude.  Whatever you are feeling, be aware, acknowledge and appreciate it because it is a GIFT and a reflection back to you of anything going on inside.   

Spend your day coming back to the present moment BEING, FEELING, and DOING what you are manifesting in the N.O.W.    Enjoy your NOW and look for things to appreciate in your NOW.


When you find yourself complaining about what is (1) Focus and (2) SHIFT your complaints to gratitude.  Whether you are unhappy with your car or relationship, look for something to appreciate about it. Ask yourself, what can I be aware of and appreciate in this moment.


End your day by giving gratitude for at least 3 things that happened during your day.  Spend 1-2 minutes to step into the powerful energy of appreciation prior to falling asleep


Make the list of things you appreciate actual things that occurred in your day and also add a list of things you are manifesting in the tense of them already being done.

The 5 Day Gratitude Challenge

The video for today is Day 3 in the Gratitude Challenge.

In the video you will learn:

  • Being Grateful for the love and support of the Universe
  • Using the power of gratitude to tap into the Universe’s Magic

This is a fun video.  Enjoy!

Your Gift this Series:

  • Universe Appreciation + The Universe To Do List Worksheet


Click here to join the Gratitude Challenge and get your Universe TY Letter Worksheet

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: Feelz



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