Listen to your Heart

Hi Gorgeous!

“Follow your gut.”  “Listen to your heart.”  “Do you.”

All of these sayings you hear all day or read the quotes on instagram and get all bucked up and excited for what’s next. 

You celebrate what you perceive as a small percentage of people who are living their lives on their terms. 

What you get to realize is that these people you love and admire 1) listen to their hearts, 2) follow their guts and 3) just say yes and not caring what other people say.  

Their success & financial abundance is a byproduct of them living their lives on their terms and doing what they have passion for.

Unfortunately You continue to follow the societal norms of second guessing your soul.  The practical thing continues to call you because you don’t believe that you will be supported. The safe thing that you don’t love draws you in because you perceive it as “safer” or because it is what is expected of you. 

Times Have Changed

With the shift in consciousness things have altered. 2012 ushered in the Era of Awakening. Millions around the world are remembering who they truly are.

You are a SOUL who is living a HUMAN experience. There is a BIGGER part of you which is connected to All That Is. This larger part of you is your Soul.  It is the part of you that is ALREADY experiencing life as you desire.

It is the part of you that knows exactly what to do and where to go. Why? Because that larger part of you is ONE WITH Source.

The way things were always done aren’t working anymore. The success you would manifest from doing a little bit of what you wanted every once and a while isn’t available anymore. 

Now is the time for you to step up and step into what you truly want. Deep inside, you want to live your life on your terms. You desire to do what excites you. Your passion drives you.

All of this is bubbling up from inside of you. This passion is flowing from your Soul. What you get to realize is that your soul’s desires are divine and they come from your higher self.  

You are one with Infinite Intelligence and when you go with your heart and follow your passion you will find that not only are you 1) aligned with receiving the byproduct which is money, you are 2) in a position to live your total and complete BEST LIFE by listening to and taking action on your Soul.

Say Yes to Your Soul

The more you say yes to your soul the more you will see doors open up to you.  The reason being is because your Soul is connected to Universal Intelligence.

Your soul is the larger part of you that is connected to all of the parallel realities, all of the possibilities and all of the options. 

Because your Soul is privy to all of this inside information, the things your Soul tells you to do are completely unexpected and feel “scary” or “crazy.”

But it is up to you to trust. What is fear anyway?  Fear is a conditioned response that was used to keep our ancestors alive. 

When there were threats of death everywhere such as woolly mammoths and tigers and all kinds of ills all around, fear was used to keep you alive and kicking. 

In present day, fear keeps us in our comfort zone. Fear keeps us driving the same routes to work and going to the same places. Fear keeps us in our comfortable routines.

In order to rise up and do what you haven’t done before, you have to step up and do things you have never done.

This means doing the uncomfortable. Getting comfortable with discomfort is the first step to doing what your soul desires.

How do you Say Yes to Your Soul

Start Small

Start doing what you feel inspired to do right when you feel the inspiration. 

Whether it is just taking a drink of water exactly at the time you feel thirsty or going to take a walk right when you think about it, start there. 

Starting small will allow you to open the door to trusting your instincts more and more and truly following your soul. 

The more you take inspired action from trust, it will become easier and easier for you to not only HEAR but TRUST your intuition and finally begin to SAY YES with EASE. 

Ask Guidance

Throughout the day, Ask “What would I most love to do right now” and then whatever you feel inspired to do, do It.  

No hesitations or second guesses. The more you do it and trust that you are listening to your soul, the easier it will be to take the larger steps and actions that you feel led to do. 

It all comes with practice.  

With practice and trust you will find that the more you Say Yes to Your Soul the more opportunities you receive to actually live your best life NOW.



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The Decision Series

The Decision Series

In the final video of the Decision Series, Video 5, you will learn the two ways to listen to your soul.  

One way helps you to take a trip to your Parallel Reality where the you who has or is about to have what you desire makes the choice.  

In this process, you cut through the doubt and go straight to your soul!


Gift this Series:

  • Learn to Write Your Reality with the 5 Day Journal Manifesting Challenge.



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Leave a comment below => Do you second guess your intuition?

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: : Decide



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