What to do when Money Shortage Freaks You Out

Hi Lovely!

Have you ever gotten down to your last $25 or an amount that felt uncomfortable for you when compared to the expenses going out?  In today’s article, I talk about what to do in these situations and steps you can take and implement in your life today to prevent this from happening again.  I understand, I have been there and this is why I can help you.

Read to find out:

  • 1)  My Money Shortage Story & What Guidance I received
  • 2)  3 Ways You can Shift the Feelings of Worry, Dread, Etc
  • 3)  7 Steps to Shift Your Money Vibration
  • 4)  Journal Exercise to Change Your Money Vibration


I have been there.  I was so used to abundance. There was a time when I made multi-six figures a year and didn’t have to worry about anything.  Then I manifested my dream. I always wanted to lead my own business and I finally got to a point where I left Corporate.


A few months after leaving, while my clients were getting kick ass results from my coaching and courses, I was drowning in debt and my money was drying up.  

I was in a perpetual state of worry about when my next client or course sale was coming in and I stopped my focus on journaling about being an author and started focusing on my business. I was constantly trying to figure out what was going wrong.  Finally, I was down to my last and I was ready to hear what Guidance had been saying to me all along.  My money mindset was hurting.

I found myself about to file bankruptcy and at a loss of what to do. It was then that I cried, journaled, shifted the energy and asked for guidance.

Want to know what I heard?


“Learn how to Receive.”

From that moment, I went full force to learn all I could about receiving. After a result of deep internal work and a strong focus on Receiving, I found myself with new sales, new clients, double and triple income and more. I went from being Broke AF and close to filing Bankruptcy to Successful Entrepreneur repairing my relationship with my debtors and experiencing financial overflow.

Did all of that happen in an instant?


I had to shift the energy of worry and dread first in order to place myself in the energy of receiving guidance.

In this article, I am going to provide you 3 Ways you can shift the feelings of dread, worry and fret.  Once you can shift it even a slight bit, you can open up space for you to receive guidance on your next steps or new ways to view your situation.

Before getting into the 3 Ways to Shift and the 7 Steps you can take so that you can never experience this again, remember that what you are experiencing right now is ONLY TEMPORARY.



When reality is looking you in the face sometimes it is a challenge to 1) choose something different or 2) choose what you know.

When bills need to be paid NOW or you need to satisfy this expense or that expense, you start to feel the pressure of it all. This is totally understandable.

I have found that realizing that Time is just a Construct.  Things can change in an instant.  You never know what is right there waiting for you until it shows up.



  • You are Single and loving it until that moment you aren’t.
  • You had a negative balance in your bank account until that moment the unexpected funds posted or that new client or product sold.
  • You are unwell until that moment you start to feel better.

3 Ways to Shift the Funky Feels

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So as I explained above, before you start to focus on changing your money situation and start receiving funds that will cover your expenses, you have got to focus on shifting your energetic vibration.

When you are in a bad place with your Money Mindset, your prevalent vibration is one of lack and fear.  You dread the bills, you get anxiety when the phone rings and you are worried about what is going to happen next.  Your mind is constantly in the past “Oh no, why did I purchase that, etc, etc” or the future “What do I do when I can’t pay this?  What is this person going to think of me when xyz happens…”

It is time to get back to the present and become aware of where you are RIGHT NOW.

Here are 3 ways to get you back to this NOW moment and become PRESENT with how you are feeling + ways to shift it.



Connecting back to your present moment can be as easy as taking the following steps:

  • Without judging how you feel as bad or wrong, take a moment to just BE.
  • Place your hands on your heart
  • Direct your focus on your heart.  Where your attention goes, energy flows.  Focus on your heart for 60 seconds
  • Breathe deeply for 60 seconds while focused on your heart.  You can picture your breath flowing in and out of your heart.
  • For the next 60 seconds start to focus on one thing you are grateful for in this moment.  Fiercely focus on this one thing. It doesn’t matter what it is. It can be anything including your pet, the home you live in, your child, your lover or anything that you deeply, deeply appreciate having in your life. Whatever you choose, make sure you deeply appreciate it and you can focus on it for 60 seconds.
  • For another 60 seconds, continue to focus on gratitude.  Say or think over and over Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.  Feel this gratitude throughout your heart.
  • For the final 60 seconds focus on radiating this feeling throughout your body.  From your heart to all cells in your body. Then focus this energy outside of your body.  Picture this appreciation overflowing from your body and aura to space outside of you, filling up the room or car or park and then filling up your neighborhood, city and then the earth until you have expanded it out to the entire universe.
  • Notice the shift in your energy and be thankful.
  • Now you can move to the 7 steps.

By spending this 5 minute period connecting back to your heart, you align the energy of your HEART and your MIND so that they can now work together.  Heart and Brain working together is a powerful powerful thing.

When your heart and mind are working together you can connect to inner guidance with greater ease and in a deeper way.

When you have connected your heart and brain, your entire body is working synergistically and you have more clarity, better focus, increased higher emotional frequencies (think love, joy, appreciation, passion, etc)  and you are more AWARE.

Awareness is the key to your transformation


Journaling is so helpful to get all of the things going on in your head…OUT of your head.  It also helps you connect to the NOW situation by making you aware of what you are actually thinking and feeling.

You may have between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day.  Most of these thoughts are unconscious and 98% of them are the same thoughts you thought the day before.  

Journaling helps you to take a moment and become conscious of what is going on in your head.

Daily, I journal specifically for Manifestation which is what I teach in the 5 Day Journal Manifesting Challenge.

However, the journaling I am speaking of today is journaling to shift your present perspective and energy.

Step 1: Write these 3 Things:

Every time I journal (no matter the focus), I write 3 things:

1) What I write becomes my reality quickly and easily

2) Rapid Change is what I experience

3) Rapid Manifestation of all the good things is my everyday norm

Focusing on Rapid Change and Rapid Manifestation allows you to shift to the KNOWING that time is whatever you choose it to be. You can change your situation or shift your mindset in an instant if you choose to believe it possible.

Step 2: Write Everything Down

Now that you understand that you get to change and what you write becomes your reality, get everything you have going on in your head OUT ON PAPER.

I know I know this is scary.  You just wrote, “What I write becomes my reality quickly and easily.” So now you are freaking out even more.  You think why would I write this crappy stuff down. I don’t want it to come true.

I know.  And that is why I am asking you to write it down.  Get it out. Because having awareness of what is behind what you think and feel will set you up to shift.

By getting all of it out, you will feel your energy shift.  You know when you can start Step 3 because you will feel when your energy has lightened.


Step 3: Is what you wrote true?

Now that the energy has lightened you can answer this question.  

Is it really true?  

All those things that you wrote down?


  • Are you really never going to make money ever again in your life?
  • Are you really bad with money or is this just an unfortunate moment in your life?
  • Do you really suck at life?

The answer to that question is no.   

No, you do not suck.

No, you aren’t a horrible person.  

No, it isn’t true that you will never have money in your life.  

Step 4: What is true?

Answer two questions:   

If you were having a conversation with The Universe or someone who loves you completely, what would they say to you?

If a good friend or family member you adore was feeling like you are, what would you say to them?


Step 5: How do you want to feel?

Write how you would like to feel for 2-3 minutes in the present tense as if you are ALREADY feeling this feeling.  Write several sentences about the feeling you want.

Traditionally in Money and Financial Scenarios, people are seeking the feelings of relief, security, safety, and more ease.

Pic the feeling that you want to feel and write about how it feels to feel that feeling.

Have no clue?  Then ask the question.  When you ask a question your brain and subconscious automatically go forward to answer that question.

Example Questions & Open Ended Statements:

  • How would it feel to feel secure?
  • How does ease feel?
  • If I felt ease, it would feel like….
  • If I knew that I was financially taken care of, I would feel like …

Check out this video and article about Journaling to Lift Your Vibe.   You will notice that just writing what I was thinking played the key role in shifting my thoughts and feeling about my situation.  


Awareness is EVERYTHING.  It is the first step.


Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono (SITH)
 is an updated method of Ho’oponopono which is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness created by Hawaiian psychologist and shamanic practitioner Ihaleakala Hew Len Ph.D.   

Ho’oponopono is a form of spiritual, mental and emotional clearing.  The translation is to put things back into order, correct, adjust, rearrange, rectify, or to make it right.

Ho’oponopono is the focus on Acceptance of Everything in your Reality being your own creation.  Once you do this, you love and appreciate whatever it is and you give it the love and appreciation it has been craving.

Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono (SITH) 
is built around repeating 4 key Phrases over and over similar to a mantra.  

The important point here is not only SAYING IT but FEELING IT.  

Feel into this lack of money situation and then say these statements with feeling.

You can do this anywhere.  I choose to do it in the morning at home where I can truly tap into FEELING.   I sit quietly and tap into whatever is coming up and truly feel it and feel the LOVE, FORGIVENESS, and APPRECIATION.

However, you can do this whenever anything comes up wherever you are.




I suggest that you say and FEEL the mantra (4 phrases) for at least 3 minutes.

Set a timer and go. Be consistent with it but start to become AWARE of how you are FEELING in your BODY.  

Become aware of your THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS

Go HERE to learn more about Ho’oponpono

In summary, here are 3 Options You can Take to Shift Your Money Mindset :

1) Heart Connection

2) Journal

3) Ho’oponpono

Now that you have taken one of these options to slow down the momentum of your emotions in this situation, now you can do something about it.  


Keep reading to learn the 7 steps to shifting your Money Mindset & Lifting Your Vibration.

7 Steps to Changing Your Money Vibration

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The quicker you align with thoughts and feelings of someone whose expenses are satisfied before they are due and has money in the bank, the quicker you will experience this in your present 3D reality.

Easier said than done.  Or that is what most people believe.  But that is why you are here.

It is time for you to focus on shifting your default Vibration where finances are concerned.    Plainly stated Your Vibration is made up of Your Thoughts + Your Feelings + You Desires + Your Intentions + Your Actions.

You do not have to be perfect.


I have manifested many things when I know I had many moments of worry and doubt. But when those moments came I began to be more and more aware of them. And when these moments popped up, I felt them without judgment and shifted them. I intentionally sat in the feeling of having the money and satisfying those expenses. I felt it in my body. I turned up the feeling of having several notches and then I turned my vibration to one of gratitude that I know it was DONE and DONE.

If you have asked (and you did) it is Done.

Then if you DECIDED that you have whatever you desire, it is DONE and DONE.

Ask yourself, are you ready for your Financial Situation to improve?

Yes, of course, you do.  That is why you are reading this right now.

In the following paragraphs, I am going to take you through a 7 step formula for you to implement starting TODAY so that you can improve your Financial Vibration.



If you selected this as your Option for shifting your emotional state in the previous section, you can skip this step or you can continue to feel this gratitude and expansion of it for another 90 seconds.

If you did not choose this as your Option follow the following steps:

Connecting back to your present moment can be as easy as taking the following steps:

  • Without judging how you feel as bad or wrong, take a moment to just BE.
  • Place your hands on your heart
  • Direct your focus on your heart.  Where your attention goes, energy flows.
  • Breathe deeply for 60 seconds while focused on your heart.  You can picture your breath flowing in and out of your heart.
  • For the next 60 seconds start to focus on one thing you are grateful for in this moment.  Fiercely focus on this one thing. It doesn’t matter what it is. It can be anything including your pet, the home you live in, your child, your lover or anything that you deeply, deeply appreciate having in your life. Whatever you choose, make sure you deeply appreciate it and you can focus on it for 60 seconds.
  • For another 60 seconds focus on radiating this feeling throughout your body.  From your heart to all cells in your body. Then focus this energy outside of your body.  Picture this appreciation overflowing from your body and aura to space outside of you, filling up the room or car or park and then filling up your neighborhood, city and then the earth until you have expanded it out to the entire universe.
  • Notice the shift in your energy and be thankful.
  • Now you can move to Step 2.




Make sure to stay aware of the bills and or expenses that you have. Money hates to be ignored. Appreciate each and every one of them. The expenses are coming from a service you were provided and it is so amazing that the company provided that service.

Write a letter to money.  

Money is a masculine energy.  Think of it like your man or partner.  

  • What does he want in a relationship?  
  • What do you want in a relationship?  
  • Are you treating money this way?




Now that you are aware of where you stand right now.  Observe without judgment.

Remove the negative emotion from it.  You have been taught to be ashamed and tie your self worth to money (having or not having it).   There isn’t anything wrong with that but it is OK now to accept this as something that worked for you in the past and you choose something different moving forward.

I decided that didn’t feel good to me. I am worthy just because I am and my having or not having money to satisfy my obligations doesn’t change my worthiness.

You get to decide this for yourself as well.  

Do you choose to realize you are worthy and loved regardless of where your financial state is?

Once you remove the negative emotion step into BEING the woman who already has a better financial situation.



Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.  – Tony Robbins

Begin to ask empowering questions vs. disempowering questions.  Your brain and subconscious AUTOMATICALLY go to look for answers to your questions.  When you ask questions that are empowering you will receive an empowering answer. If you do the opposite, you will stay where you are.  (Remember, where your focus goes your energy flows.)


  • What is wrong with me?
  • What am I missing?
  • Why do I always get this wrong?
  • Why isn’t this working?
  • Why can’t I get promoted?
  • How could this get worse?
  • Why is this happening to me?


  • What is right with me?  
  • What am I doing ok at?
  • What is working in my life right now?
  • What is positive about this situation that I am not seeing?
  • What action could I take that would place me in a positive light with Senior Leadership?
  • What have I learned from this situation?
  • What would my inspired next step be?
  • In what ways could this get better?
  • How is this working out FOR ME?

You do not have to find the answers to these questions.  You can open your journal and place all of these questions on a page.  




Write an emotional heartfelt page long thank you letter to God appreciating whatever you have in your life and remember to slip in a few things you are currently focused on allowing to manifest.  You have money showing up somewhere in your life.  Appreciate all of it.  The money that is in your environment.  The money that paid your mortgage or rent.  The money that paid your phone bill. Any and every dollar that has helped you live the life you currently live, appreciate it.  


The Universe (God, Guidance, Source Energy) is your Sugar Daddy.  It is the highest joy for Source Energy to provide exactly what you want easily and quickly.  The Universe is built on Vibrational Frequency. When you Vibrationally align with something, you manifest that thing and experiences that match the vibration of whatever that is.

On this page, it is time for you to create your Honey-Do List for your Sugar Daddy.  You use this page to ask God/The Universe/Guidance for all the things you would like done.  Think about how you create a list for your partner or someone who is working for you and you trust that it will get done. This is what you are doing here.


Write all the questions that pop into your head.  Remember to phrase them in empowering ways.

Example Questions

  • What energy and space do I need to be in to allow what I asked for to unfold quickly into my life?
  • Where should I go today?
  • What ways could I receive more support today?
  • What should I do to open myself up to receive more money today?
  • What should I write today to help raise the vibration of the planet?
  • What could I do to live my best life today?
  • What is something new I can do to positively shake up the energy in my environment?
  • What would be a great workout that I would love to do that would fit perfectly in my life?
  • Who would be a great person I could work closely together?
  • What could I do today to receive an additional $1000 dollars?
  • Wouldn’t it be awesome if these expenses were paid in full before they were due?
  • What could I create that would make a difference and provide me a significant influx of money quickly?


REMEMBER THIS…Ask the questions and let them go.

The energy of asking a question is different from finding the solution.

Ask the question and trust that the answer will be revealed to you.  

The answer may be revealed in a song on the radio. It may pop up on a television show you watched or in a non-related conversation with a friend.  

Just TRUST & KNOW that the answers will come and they will be exactly perfect for you!

Finally, (and most importantly) ASK FOR GUIDANCE & RECORD IN YOUR JOURNAL

Connect with The Universe (God, Guidance, Angels, whomever you refer to Source Energy As…) then while in that energy ask for Guidance.

You can connect by placing your hand on your heart and place your attention on the Divine.

Example Questions to ask:

  • Guidance, what does would be the best most amazing way for me to allow myself to receive all of the money and abundance that is here waiting for me to allow it in?
  • Please place my product or service in front of the perfect soulmate client or soul tribe customer who is ready to purchase right now.
  • What AlignedSoul action do I get to take right now?

Whatever you hear or feel right after asking the question is your guidance speaking to you.  Trust this and write down the first thing that comes to your mind.



You’ve asked for Guidance and you recorded what came up for you.  It is now time for you to take action.

Take the Massive AlignedSoul Actions that you feel led to take.

These actions may be scary like sending a message to that person you have known you should send a message to, it could be announcing a new product or service, it could be going to yoga to help you shift some energy and release some resistance.

In order to get where you have never been, you are going to have to do what you normally don’t do and go where you haven’t gone yet.

To learn more read these articles:



Whatever you hear/feel or get the inkling to do in that first 3 seconds, take heed and do it. Don’t second guess or weigh the pros and cons. Just do it and you will experience massive shifts and changes.

Remember: In order to get where you have never been, you are going to have to do what you normally don’t do and go where you haven’t gone yet.

To learn more read these articles:



In order for you to shift your financial situation, you have to RECEIVE.  The Universe can’t provide anything to you if your door is closed and your arms are folded.

This Universe operates of vibration and when thing physically manifest, they are given to you through your 5 senses and from the arms and hearts of OTHER PEOPLE.

There are so many connotations in society that position receiving as bad, greedy or weak.  The focus is completely on the giving side but it is time for you to realize that without a receiver there is no one to give to.

Learn to receive with ease.

Start with compliments, advice, and smiles from strangers.  These are all things that are being given to you. The more you become open to receiving these you can be open to receive more things.

Receiving Compliments
:  When someone pays you a compliment, just say Thank You.  Give them a smile back and show them the appreciation. Be present with them and thank them for sharing their well wishes with you.  Do not feel that you have to think of one to pay them back. It is ok for you to receive a compliment without paying it back immediately and without self-deprecating humor or putting yourself down.  

How does it feel when you give someone a compliment and they tear themselves apart basically rendering your compliment null, void and completely useless?  How did that feel? It didn’t feel good, did it? Well now put yourself into the place of the person giving you the compliment. Allow them to give you the compliment and you receive it with grace.

Receiving Advice
: Just because you receive advice graciously, it doesn’t mean you have to implement it.  The majority of people in your life have positive intentions for both you and themselves.  Trust this and begin to receive the love and support that is surrounding you.

Listen with a listening and caring ear and appreciate whatever the other person has to say.  Then move forward and trust your own guidance about what you should do next. You never know, maybe guidance is speaking through this person because it hasn’t been able to get through to you.

Receiving a Smile
: Smile and take in this beautiful moment.  Think of this as God smiling down on you and showing you how much you are loved, adored and infinitely supported.

Receiving Oxygen:
  You can even focus on the receiving of the air you breathe by taking a deep breath and being present with each breath for a few minutes.  Think about how you were made to receive and receiving as easy as breathing because it is.

My book The Aligned Receiver: The Straight No Chaser Play by Play to Take Law of Attraction to the Next Level, RECEIVE More Money and Have More FUN in 90 Days I talk about how becoming The Aligned Receiver will change your life.  

I talk about why Receiving is equal to giving and more about the Masculine and Feminine Energy of Manifestation (Hint:  The Universe is Your Sugar Daddy and doesn’t want you nagging him about how things get done.). Enjoy reading about Receiving Archetypes like The Scarcity Scarecrow, The Gold Digger, The Good Girl, The Independent and so much more.

Finally, tap into your birthright of Abundance…An abundance of ALL THE THINGS including Money, Joy, Love, Health and so much more.   Rev up your manifesting mojo and make Quantum Leaps #normal. Read to learn how to co-create the life you want in a 5th Dimensional Way with ease and super flow.

Click HERE to learn more.

In summary, take these 7 steps to shift your Financial Vibration:

1) Connect

2) Become Aware

3) Observe

4) Request

5) Take Aligned Action

6) Trust

7) Receive

Continue reading for the Journal Prompt exercise that will help you shift your Money Vibes.


To read more about Shifting Your Money Mindset and Overall Financial Situation, check out these articles:

Journaling Exercise to Shift Your Money Vibes

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PROMPT 1: What story am I telling myself about my financial situation? (your worth, your value, are they connected etc)

PROMPT 2: What is the truth about me and my financial situation? (one isn’t tied to the other, your financial situation is what it is. it can change in an instant.)

PROMPT 3: What would I like my financial situation to be? (get specific, clarity and the specifics is where the gold is. Would you like money to be easy? Would you like to receive $10K a month? Would you like for money to flow to you each and every day? Would you like to pay your bills on time and before they are due?)

PROMPT 4: Now that I know my finances and my worth are not connected, now that I know everything can change in an instant, what have I decided gets to be my reality?

PROMPT 5: Now that I know I can be, do and create what I desire, what do I get to do, say, be and sell?

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: : Mindset



This Free Workbook & Video will teach you 6 exercises to Consciously Shift Your Money Mindset

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