Muscle Test Your Way to Clarity

Hi Gorgeous Soul!

Are you having trouble making a decision?  Do you have to choose between something and you have no clue what to choose. Well, I have a technique that could be just for you.  

It is called muscle testing. In this article, I am going to show you how you can muscle test your way to clarity.

Muscle testing is an alternative diagnostic tool that I use with my clients and that is used by many alternative healing practitioners including naturopaths, chiropractors, and more.

What is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing works on the basis of positive association with a YES answer and a negative association with a No answer.

Therefore if during testing the muscle stays “strong” that would represent a YES and if it goes weak then the answer is a NO. 

This testing bypasses conscious thought and taps into the muscles access to your intuitive and energetic systemReminder:  This is not medical advice. 

If you are having a serious physical or mental issue, please do not use this as a replacement for a medical diagnosis and contact your own physical or alternative medicine practitioner.

Why does Muscle Testing Work?

Everything has an energetic vibration. Everything has an energy field including you and all the things you desire to be, do or have. By focusing on that particular situation, place, or thing you connect to it. 


Because your body has an Automatic Control System (ACS) which controls the functions of your body. 

This unconscious system controls the functions of your body. Your ACS (your body) is aware of every single thing happening in the body. 

This intelligence system is also connected to your inner intelligence system known as your Soul. Your Soul is connected to The Universe also known as Source or Infinite Intelligence. 

Think about this…you are breathing and functioning internally without a single thought from you.  Your Soul however is aware of everything that is going on with your body. 

In quantum physics, there is something called Quantum Entanglement. Because of Quantum Entanglement, we are all connected and know everything. 

You know, I know, Your Body Knows, your Soul Knows and my Soul knows. 

Your body which is intimately connected to your soul also always knows. When you are deciding between something and no longer feel connected to your true soul’s desire, muscle testing is a great way to get out of your head and into your heart. 

Muscle testing allows your body to communicate to you the truth from your soul.

How To Muscle Test

STEP 1: Think of a direct Yes or No question or a Direct Statement. 

STEP 2: Breath Deeply.  Quiet your Mind. Connect to your Heart. 

STEP 3: Perform one of the techniques described below. 

STEP 4: Observe the response.   



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Muscle Testing Techniques



  • Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Your knees should be loose, not tight. Relax your body and your overall body.

  • Breath deeply and Ground Yourself.

  • Relax and clear your head and Quiet your mind.

  • Ask the Yes or No question or make the Direct Statement.

  • Evaluate Your body’s Response

    • With a Yes or True answer, your body normally leans forward.

    • With a No or False answer, your body normally leans backward.

HOW I USE IT:  I’ve used this in many many situations.  Most recently, I used it to help me choose between my latest marketing strategy.



  • Create an “O” shape with your thumb and forefinger

  • Firmly Press the tips of your thumb and forefinger together  

  • Place the forefinger or your other hand through the “O” you created

  • Breath deeply and Ground Yourself.

  • Relax and clear your head and Quiet your mind.

  • Ask the Yes or No question or make the Direct Statement.

  • Try to break the circle (Use the same pressure for each question).

  • Evaluate Your body’s Response

    • With a Yes or True answer, your body normally leans forward.

    • With a No or False answer, your body normally leans backward.

HOW I USE IT: This method is one of my most favorite methods.  It is discrete and can be used anywhere. I also love to use this technique during my energy shifting and coaching sessions.  I’ve used this in many many situations. Most recently, I used it to help me choose between my latest marketing strategy.




  • Create two “O” shapes with your thumb and middle finger.

  • Connect the shapes into interlocking circles.

  • Firmly Press the tips of your thumbs and middle finger together.

  • Breath deeply and Ground Yourself. 

  • Relax and clear your head and Quiet your mind.

  • Ask the Yes or No question or make the Direct Statement.

  • Try to break the circle (Use the same pressure for each question)

  • Evaluate Your body’s Response.

  • With a Yes or True answer, the circles will stay interconnected and strong. 

  • With a No or False answer, the circles will break apart.

HOW I USE IT: This is a great method.  Several of my clients prefer this method over some of the other methods.  It is all about what is intuitively the best method for you and your body.



  • Press your thumb firmly against your forefinger or your middle finger. 

  • Breath deeply and Ground Yourself.

  • Relax and clear your head and quiet your mind.

  • Ask the Yes or No question or make the Direct Statement.

  • Try to slide your fingers as if you are snapping.

  • Evaluate Your body’s Response. 

  • With a Yes or True answer, the fingers will stay sticky and not snap apart. 

  • With aNo or False answer, the fingers will slide/snap apart.

HOW I USE IT: This is a newer method for me that I am getting used to. I like it because it is discreet like the O and Interlocking O methods and it works much more easily as my nails have grown longer.

A Few Things to Remember

There are a few things to remember when muscle testing:

  • Make sure you are hydrated

  • Muscle Test in a quiet place

  • Connect within, Ground

  • Trust




You want to make sure that you are properly hydrated. Dehydration causes the body’s energy not to flow. Your answers may be off if you are tired, distracted, or dehydrated.


When you are first beginning your foray into muscle testing, ensure that you are in a quiet place. 

Remove distractions and clear your mind. Being in a comfortable and quiet place will help reduce competition for your attention.



Prior to muscle testing, ensure that you are connected within and grounded. Meditation will help to improve your focus.  

Quiet your mind and focus on your heart. Sometimes placing your hands on your heart can help you drop your focus into your soul. Meditation will help you Connect within.

On days when I find my focus “all over the place” I ground. There are many many ways to ground. Various ways include:

  1.  Meditation

  2.  Visualize yourself connecting with the earth

  3.  Go outside and connect with the earth (soil or clay)

  4.  Connect with Nature

  5.  Do something physical and get the energy moving

  6.  Use Crystals such as Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, or Smoky Quartz



Before you ask the actual question calibrate your testing. You do this by asking an easy question that you know the answer to.

The easiest statement to make is “My name is xxx”. 

In the calibration test, you state your name (whatever your name really is) and you test your answer.  

It should be Yes or Strong Muscle Response. Then make another statement that is false such as “My name is xxx” and state a name that isn’t yours.


  • My name is Christine

    • This answer would be a Yes or a Strong Muscle Response.  

  • My name is Hannah

    • The answer would be No or a Weakened Muscle Response.



Trust that your body will give you the right answer. No second-guessing. Trust and Receive the answer that is right for you.

Are you ready to tell yourself the truth?

When performing self-muscle testing, it is important that you are in the vibrational place where you are willing to tell yourself the truth in all situations. 

If you are tied to the answer or you don’t feel that you can tell yourself the truth you can do one of the following:

  1. Ask the same question in multiple ways

  2. You can have a friend muscle test you



If you aren’t getting a clear response or you attached to a specific answer, you can ask the same question in different ways.

Your question could be too vague if you aren’t getting a clear response. If you get more specific and truly ask what could be the hard question, you may find the response.

When you first begin muscle testing, your questions or statements need to be clear and to the point. When you get more experienced, you will find that you can ask the question in multiple different ways and get the same response consistently. 


Often times you aren’t willing to tell yourself the truth. You get so attached to an answer or an outcome that you aren’t willing to have the courage to connect to the truth. 

In these cases, you can have your friend muscle test you. You would do so similar to how your neighborhood naturopath doctor or chiropractor would.

  • Lie down flat on your back with your legs and arms down.

  • Have your friend stand above you to your side.

  • Raise your hand up and parallel to your body

  • Hold your arm pretty stiff

  • Breath deeply and Ground Yourself.

  • Relax and clear your head and Quiet your mind.

  • Have your friend ask the Yes or No question or make the Direct Statement (they can do so in their mind as they connect with your energy or aloud.)

  • Then your friend will press down on your arm

  • Evaluate Your body’s Response

  • With a Yes or True answer, the arm will stay firm.

  • With a No or False answer, the arm will weaken and fall down.

Last Thing to Remember

There are many more ways than these four listed above to Muscle Test. 

It is always important to play with all of these ways and select the option that works best for you. Choose the way that feels the most intuitive to you.

The more you use this technique the better you get. Enjoy muscle testing and do so often. 

You can muscle test any question from what you should eat for dinner, if a particular food or drink is good for your body, what type of program you should launch next or if you should go on the date with that guy. 

Have fun with it and remember the more you do it the more proficient you will get.

The Decision Series

The Decision Series

As stated above, Muscle Testing is one of my most favorite techniques to help make a decision. 

In today’s recommended video “Decision Series Video 2”, you will learn the following:

  1.  4 Muscle Testing Techniques I use most often

  2.  How I used them to choose the CRM system that I use right now

Enjoy the video!

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Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: : Decide



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