Not Manifesting? Take Aligned Action

How to Manifest What You Want - Step 5 - Action - Video 6

Hi Sexy Soul!

Do you ever feel so compelled internally to take a specific action?

It’s Your Intuition!  

Act Now! Don’t Wait!

Manifesting something into your 3D reality has everything to do with you aligning with it right now.  You live in a vibrational world. Everything has an Energy Signature and in order to “attract” whatever it is in your life you need to be aligned with that specific energy signature.

Rolling back to Video 1 – When you desire something, there is the YOU who ALREADY HAS it telling you that it is time for you to step into whatever it is.  That Future You or Parallel Reality YOU also known as Your Higher Self is calling you forth.

Your Higher Self You is connected to Source Energy also known as God or The Universe.  Therefore, your Higher Self who is already experiencing all that you desire is giving you Guidance and the inside track and showing you the steps on how exactly to get there.

The issue comes with Listening, Trusting and Acting upon whatever intuition you receive.  Taking AlignedSoul Action is necessary for you to allow the Universe to support you.

Listen, Trust

& Take Aligned Action

Whatever you do going forward, Remember this…Trust yourself.  Take Action. No More Second Guessing.

In today’s recommended Video you’ll learn:

  • Importance of Taking Action
  • How to Listening to Your Intuition
  • Ways to Listen and Act Upon Your Intuition

Freebie Offered in this Video:

  • Video 6 – Get the Journal Manifesting Mini Course while it is Free to help connect to your intuition and take inspired action.

Just one aligned step gets everything going…

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: : Aligned Action



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