The Anatomy of Manifestation

Hi Beautiful!

Have you ever felt uncomfortable with a compliment or turned down dinner or a gift?  In today’s article, I talk about one of my BEST MANIFESTATIONS (spoiler alert: My Book is Coming!) & I show you what I did to allow it to manifest in my life.

Read to find out:

  • 1)  More details about one of my Best Manifestations & what I heard from guidance when I was broke and frustrated
  • 2)  The Book that Almost NEVER Happened…Find Out the Anatomy of a Manifestation
  • 3)  Journal Exercise For Easier Manifesting


A year ago, I announced that I was writing a book and I loved all of your responses and well wishes. I also appreciate all of your emails asking me when the book was coming out!

So I am so excited to say that it is OFFICIAL, my book released 08.08.19 and is available for pre-order on Amazon right now.   This was a journey in itself.   What I thought was going to happen DIDN’T and it was all because there was something that I needed to learn along the way.  

This book almost never was.  I went from an AMAZING MANIFESTATION of a Book Publisher to LIFE HAPPENING and I was in a dire state of not being able to financially support myself or my businesses… Then I received Guidance.


Keep reading to find out what Guidance told me that helped me change my life and inspired me to write this book.

In The Aligned Receiver, I lay out the essential woo-woo spiritual plus the do-practical play by play for manifesting a life beyond your wildest imagination. I left Corporate and after a few months, I found that my clients and followers were THRIVING but I was broke, confused and FRUSTRATED.

I found myself about to file bankruptcy and at a loss of what to do. It was then that I cried and asked for guidance.

Was asking for guidance something new for me? Nope… But this time I was finally READY TO HEAR. 

Want to know what I heard? 


“Learn how to Receive.”

From that moment, I went full force to learn all I could about receiving. After a result of deep internal work and a strong focus on Receiving, I found myself with new sales, new clients, double and triple income and more. I went from being Broke AF and close to filing Bankruptcy to Successful Entrepreneur repairing my relationship with my debtors and experiencing financial overflow.

The Aligned Receiver shares exactly what I learned, actions I took, clear advicespecific guidancerelatable examples, and a 90 Day Action Plan to help you hit the ground running, taking inspired AlignedSoul action and Receiving all the GOOD ready and waiting for you.


=> Have you ever felt uncomfortable with a compliment or turned down dinner or a gift? If so, this book is for YOU!

=> If you associate sacrifice with giving and receiving with taking, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU.

=> If you are ready to go from “Not Enough” to “Abundant AF”, this BOOK is FOR YOU.

It is time to get into #ReceivingMode, realize that The Universe is YOUR SUGAR DADDY and finally get Law of Attraction to work for you in the way you want it to.


Keep Reading to find out why this book almost didn’t happen and learn the anatomy of a manifestation!

The Book that Almost Never Happened

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In early 2018, I began journaling about becoming an Author. I decided that becoming a published author was DONE AND DONE

I would wake up and feel the feelings of being a best selling author and I truly believed it was being taken care of. While I was working, I was contacted a few weeks later by a publisher.  At the time I was working a ton and didn’t have time so I never contacted him back.  The fast forward a few months and I finally manifested my full-time transition from Corporate Life to Entrepreneur Life.  I finally felt it was time to contact him and I took the action and did so.  We decided to work together and began that journey.

Then Life happened. 

While my clients were getting kick ass results from my coaching and courses, I was drowning in debt and my money was dying up.  I stopped my focus on journaling about being an author and started focusing on my business.  As I said above I started to experience issues financially and I started to freak the F out.  I was trying to figure out what was going wrong.  I forgot about the book and started to dive into everything that I knew about money mindset and everything else.

Finally, I was down to my last and I was ready to hear what Guidance had been saying to me all along.

This is where the story above comes in.  I was told to Learn how to Receive.  I had done all of the “right steps” but I felt like there was something wrong with receiving.  It was hard for me to ask as I was taught to be “Independent” and it was hard for me to receive as I didn’t want to appear greedy.


As much as I made myself WRONG for taking my focus away from writing the book, It wasn’t time.   The book that I was prepared to write wasn’t going to be what this book is and The Universe KNEW IT.

When my desire to write a book returned, then I knew it was the right time.  As soon as I felt the inspiration I began to take the inspired action and guess what happened?

This book basically wrote itself.  And everything that needed to come together for me to publish the ebook, the paperback, audiobook, and hardcover came together EASILY.



Let’s Recap.  How did this happen?

  • I ASKED: I journaled about being a Best Selling Author.  Even when it looked like it wouldn’t happen…I kept stating my desire as FACT as DONE and DONE.

  • I DECIDED: I decided that this was done.  I knew that when I asked it was DONE and I stood in this ENERGY of it being a DONE DEAL.

  • I BELIEVED: I knew that when I asked for something that The Universe was my Sugar Daddy and did everything to place this book and the avenue to it along my path.

  • I FELT: I felt it done and stood in the feeling of it.  I didn’t hope or wish.  I FELT it as a FACT being DONE.  Even when it looked like I needed to give up I kept going.

  • I ACTED: When the publisher contacted me via LinkedIn…ACTION: I responded back. After a few conversations, we decided to work together but life happened and it didn’t work out.  But this didn’t stop me.  I continued to take aligned action.  What do published authors do?  They Write. ACTION: I WROTE nearly every day.

  • I SURRENDERED: Even though everything fell apart and it looked like my book wouldn’t happen, I didn’t stop. I SURRENDERED.  I allowed The Universe to do its thing and I surrendered the HOW.


I did the inner work DAILY.
  Whatever came up I allowed it to shift.  When the desire came through me again, I took inspired action and then the actual book and flowed through me.

After looking at where I was and where I am today, it is clear that I needed to experience a few things before I wrote my book. Over time when the dream seemed as if it was going left, I experienced hardships, I met special people and I continued forward.

As you see, it didn’t work out like I thought it would.

But did I give up? NO.


Why didn’t I give up?

Two reasons.

1) I had a desire in my heart to become a published author since I picked up my first journal before I was a teenager. When you have a desire in your heart it is safe guidance from your heart telling you that it is GO TIME. You wouldn’t have this desire if it wasn’t ALREADY DONE.

2) I believed. I knew that when I ASK, God provides and it was up to me to RECEIVE.

If there is anything you get out of this article…




God/Universe/Source & Angels are conspiring on YOUR behalf. It may not feel like it BUT EVERYTHING is working for YOU.

Become The Aligned Receiver

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Journal Prompt Exercise For Easier Manifesting

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Have you been having trouble receiving what you desire?  Follow the Journal Prompt Exercise below to help you step into the energy of RECEIVING and become a match with what you want.


If I already had ________________, what would I feel RIGHT NOW?

How does it feel to already be, do or have  _____________?

If I trusted that everything in my life was happening FOR me instead of TO me, how would I react to this current situation?


Truly tap into the FEELING of how you would feel if whatever you want was already in your life right now.  Feelings are the language of the Universe.  Feelings attract.

Choose to be the person who already has whatever it is that you want.  Walk like her.  Be her NOW.

Have you ever felt like you wanted to give up on your manifestation?    Tell me about it below!

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: : Manifestation



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