4 Keys to Level Up Your Life

Hi Gorgeous,

The Door is ALWAYS OPEN, are you walking THROUGH?  There are so many times you ask God to help.  You say, if you would only give me this or show me this then I will do this.   What if you knew that God/The Universe/Source is helping you EVERYDAY.

Continue reading to find out:

  • 1)  VIDEO: 4 Keys to Level Up Your Life
  • 2)  Your Soul is Always Speaking
  • 3)  Your Core is Love
  • 4)  Don’t be THIS Guy
  • 5)  How to Walk Through The Door (4 Steps to Level Up)
  • 5)  Journal Prompt to help you become aware of the doors that are open for you


There are so many times you ask God to help.  You say, if you would only give me this or show me this then I will do this.

What if you knew that God/The Universe/Source is helping you EVERYDAY.  

You are a part of the Universal Energy.  The Omnipresent Source that connects us all is within YOU.  So when you get that nudge to do something or to go somewhere, that is God SPEAKING through YOU.   

When you feel that intuition, it is God opening the door.  

But are you walking through it?

To read more about how The Universe is Speaking to You read here:


You probably expect when God speaks for it there be lightning storms, 10 commandment style bruhaha but it isn’t. 

Now I am not saying that will never happen.  However, the majority of the time, Source is whispering to you through feelings and emotions. 

When you feel inspired to do something, that is your Soul Speaking to YOU. Remember this while you are waiting for Fire and Lightning, you are ignoring the door that has been open all along.  

Your soul is constantly nudging you to take small step after small step.

Your inner voice… Your intuition is GOD speaking to you.  

The nudge you are getting to make that move or do that thing that you have been avoiding for weeks, that is YOUR SOUL.  

I know, I know.  When I say stuff like this the first thing you want to point out is some crazy m’f’r like Charles Manson or some other deranged weirdo that heard voices speaking and did bad shit.  So you say, well if I listen to my inner voice, I will do bad shit too.  

NO NO NO.  Of Course, that isn’t true.  Your core is Love!


First of all, you are listening to your heart.

You are aligning with love and all that is.  ALL THAT IS… Source is loving and supportive.    When you listen to your heart and follow your soul, you are aligning with who you truly are.  If you are hearing voices and it is telling you to do bad shit… then you would most likely NOT be reading this blog or watching any of my YouTube Videos.   This content as at a vibration for those who are remembering who they really are.  You…the REAL YOU.

Second, Your true nature is one of love

To always think that someone is going to do something dis-serving and awful when listening to their heart speaks volumes as to what you believe your true nature is.  Your true nature is one of love.

God/Source/The Universe is love.

When you are acting from who you truly are you will not seek to injure others. You will seek to uplift yourself and others.

Turn off the news.  Stop focusing on all the bad that you see.  That is only a small portion of what is truly happening.

Look around you and see what is good. How people are thriving and there is more giving than taking.  There is more care and support than tearing down and destruction. What you give your attention to you will see more.

Back to the discussion at hand…


There was once a guy.  He was in the midst of a flooding situation and he was praying to God for help.

Well to make a long story short, neighbors came by to offer him a ride away from the home and he said: “Oh God will take care of me.”  Then the police officials came with a truck and he said: “Oh God will take care of me.”  Then, he was on the roof and the helicopter came and he again said: “God will take care of me.”

Finally, he drowned.

When this man got to heaven he felt betrayed and annoyed. He said, “I prayed and I asked you to take care of me but you didn’t.” God told him “Well, I sent the neighbor, the police guy and the helicopter and you didn’t get in.”

The moral of the story is that God is always listening.  Ask and It is given, Right?  Instead of looking for the BIG Magic (which can and will happen)… listen to that inner voice.

Listen to the soft whisper and nudge to do something or go somewhere or write about a subject that you are passionate about.

Listen to those whispers…Those are the neighbors, the police truck and the helicopter that clearly are being provided to give you exactly what you are asking for.




Don’t think that you are going to take that one step and the full road map to where you are headed will be revealed to you.  It normally doesn’t work that way. You will take one step and it will lead to this (probably something you never thought it would).  Then you take another step and it leads to this and on and on and on


When you get the inspiration, TAKE ACTION.  Don’t wait. Your inner guide is guiding you into the direction now because there is something that may happen now.  We are all connected so your inner guidance knows when your next client or wholesale vendor is checking his IG or Facebook and when they will scroll past your post and contact you.

Putting off your inspiration could cause you to miss the moment. Don’t get concerned, there are more than one boats passing so even if you turn down a different path, your guide will get you where you desire to go.  But it would be so much easier if you followed your intuition as it happens


The more you follow your instincts the louder they will become.  So if you continue and do not doubt, you will become more and more comfortable following that inner guide, that voice, your instincts and your intution.  The more doors will open. The more you walk through them the more doors can open and connect you to the next step.


Don’t worry about the why or the how.  Just keep going. Sure you may take action and it doesn’t feel like anything happened.  What you may not see is that new person who saw whatever you did and will contact you in a few days.  Or what you may not see is that action placed you on the radar of the company that wants to offer you a book deal or a distributor who is now getting approval to buy 1000 case packs of your product so he can distribute it to 250 stores.  You don’t know why you are doing what you are doing. Just continue to take action.


What door has been opened for you that you haven’t walked through and what will you choose to do today that will guide you straight through?

In your journaling have fun with it.  Remember to dig deep.  Keep asking yourself why you responded in a certain way.  And get to the bottom of the reason why you aren’t doing whatever it is now.  THEN, shift to what you want to do.

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: : Aligned Action



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