The 12-week Transformational Experience for Heart-Led Leaders who are ready to Unlock their Purpose, Activate their Voice and Embody their Soul's Essence

If you are ready to finally see your reality match that BIG VISION brewing inside...

...even if you don't know how it looks or feels yet...

you have been divinely guided HERE...



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Your soul led you here because You...

  • Have been feeling like it is time for something new.
  • Know that something feels off.  You feel no longer aligned with your business.
  • Feel tired and you just want to feel passionate about what you bring into this world.
  • Have been holding back because you aren't truly anchored in your voice.
  • Want to speak your truth but you don't know what to say or how to say it.
  • Are playing small because you don't know "how" to get where you want to go.
  • Feel overwhelmed AF and you don't know where to start.
  • Are frustrated with your results due to not receiving "physical proof"
  • Think the results you do receive feel "too small" so you feel Impatient and keep comparing yourself to everyone else.
  • Feel stuck because you know that you are meant for something BIGGER but you aren't sure what it is
  • Are constantly looking for what you need in order to achieve that next level... like yet another course, a certification, a re-branding, web design etc etc.

you are riding the struggle bus...


disappointed n your business

frustrated that you don't truly know your soul's purpose

bitter that things aren't working out the way you thought they would

stuck in inaction because you are so overwhelmed

confused because you do not trust yourself or your inner compass

What if you could KNOW why you are HERE?

What if your business could just FLOW?

YES! It is possible.  This isn't a pipe dream.

Your soul chose to come here in this time and in your body for a particular reason.

And you know this.  You feel the call to do something BIGGER.

You are frustrated because your impact hasn't grown the way you have wanted it to.  

Answer this....
Are you confident in your soul's work?

Do you wake up each day thrilled to execute your mission?

Do you desire to change more lives and make a larger impact?

Do you feel confident in your abilities and the gifts?

Have you fully connected deeply to the spiritual gifts and embraced their fully power?

Are you living aligned feeling empowered to do whatever you want and fully show up in authentically as you?

We understand how you feel.  We felt that way too...

Christine Michelle

I always knew I was meant to share my gifts with the world.  Ever since I was a young girl I told my parents that I would help people and I knew I had a unique gift to shift the energy and frequency within people and situations.

However, when I first started my mentoring business and building this Transformation Development Brand, I hid who I truly was.   I didn't value my gifts, I second guessed myself and assumed someone else knew what I was destined to do better than I did.  

For a while, I completely lost who I was and forgot what I was here to do.  As a result business was a struggle.  My clients were thriving but I was riding the struggle bus to broke town.  I went from multi-six figures in the Corporate World to filing bankruptcy.

Why?  Because I was no longer BEING who I truly was.  I wasn't using energy in the way I was mean to.  I forgot my energetic blueprint and I was no longer sharing from my Soul Purpose.

I came to a breaking point and I decided to forget everything else.  I used these very tools we teach to activate my Soul ESSENCE.  

I remembered that I was a powerful being and that WHATEVER I desired to experience was what GOT to HAPPEN.

I took my power back, re-awakened by gifts and began embodying my Soul's Purpose. And from that moment, I haven't looked back.  

My business and audience began growing with ease.  My business revenue for 2020 is more than triple that of 2019 even during challenging times.

My gifts are expanding and continue to show up even more powerfully than I could have ever imagined.   I AWAKENED my gifts.  I ACTIVATED MY VOICE and I am authentically showing up as me.  This is what is possible for you when you EMBODY your Soul Purpose.

Lígia Leite

I was burnt out and depressed when I quit with ZERO IDEA of what I would do next.Recognizing my gifts, learning how to listen & follow to divine guidance, anchoring TRUST, embodying a more aligned FEELING (even before I knew the details of the vision) led me to build a business that is who I am to the core.

The same process allowed me to triple my income in a couple of months, attract clients that feel like best friends (and even my actual best friend from High School as a client!) and realize that I'm just doing what I've always done; being who I've always been.

My passion for event planning; my work as a travel writer; my psychic gifts & ancestral wisdom; what I've always naturally sparked in others: It all came together in a spiritual business that activates Trust & Receiving hosting international retreats.

 You ARE 


And here's a SECRET...
Your soul knows exactly who you get to be in order to make this your reality..

would you like to experience true harmony?

What if You Already Have the Codes Within?

What if all you needed to do was REMEMBER and this ACT of REMEMBRANCE would ACTIVATE your soul's purpose here on earth?


  • Waking up each morning with passion and excitement
  • Your choices always feeling like a full body YES
  • Having clarity on your Soul's Work
  • Being crystal clear on your message
  • Feeling confident AF in your gifts and your level of impact
  • Having soul aligned clients and business partners flow into your life effortlessly
  • What it would feel like to have clients who feel like best friends.
  • Working with Business Partners who you feel your besties
  • Having a business that feels almost "too easy"
  • Knowing your energetic blueprint (i.e. Human design) & how flow in your business

If all of that feels like a full body HELL YES, then


Avaiable Immediately

Your Portal to Activate, & Embody Your Purpose

ESSENCE is an INTIMATE 12-week Activation Experience with Christine Michelle and Lígia Leite to Unlock Your Purpopse, Awaken Your Gifts, Activate Your Voice and Embody Your True Soul's Essence. 

ESSENCE is a safe space to open up to your channel, receive energetic upgrades, channeled guidance, frequency activations, manifestation practices, quantum healing, vibrational alignment, abundance code activations and open up to massive receiving.

During ESSENCE you receive DIRECT ACCESS to daily continued support from both Christine & Lígia as your Quantum Activators throughout your Journey.
Your Portal to Unlocking Your Purpose Available at your own pace immediately



Start with a payment of only $444 today


Tap the Icon Below for More Info


Recorded timeless channeled guidance from Christine Michelle and Ligia.  Come to the Private Support Community and share and connect with other ESSENCE students & alumni.


Receive access to a Private Group Community where you can share your with each other as you implement and integrate your expansion.


Christine Michelle & Ligia Leite will be bringing in their magic helping you activate and integrate frequencies, inner-standing and understanding bridging across timelines, periods, and  dimensions.


In past rounds, these weeks have changed lives. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣

ESSENCE Alumni have:

🧘🏽‍♀️quit their jobs, ⁣

🎊 started new businesses, ⁣

💰 received invitations for aligned collaborations with industry leaders, ⁣

🤩 became speakers, ⁣

🦄 reclaimed their power, voice, intuition and are thriving in the unique way that feels actually LIGHT for them.⁣ ⁣

What The ESSENCE Alumni Are SAYING

Our ESSENCE Alumni experienced amazing results... hear from their own mouths why they are so grateful for this container....

Become Our Next ESSENCE Quantum Leap Story!



Start with a payment of only $444 today

essence is aN experience not a course

In this powerful container you will awaken your gifts, activate your voice and embody your soul's purpose.

This isn't just another coaching program.


You will gain clarity and connect to your purpose in a powerful way.

You will heal, create space, align, and embody transforming deeply on all levels MIND + BODY + SOUL.

You will embody the frequency of confidence, trust, fulfillment, passion and love.  

The ESSENCE Experience is unlike anything else

ESSENCE is something that you can do WITH your life and not need to sacrifice additional time or energy.  

ESSENCE creates more energetic space.

ESSENCE acts on your aura and shifts your vibration.

If you are in another course or mastermind, NO PROBLEM because ESSENCE has been created to INTEGRATE into your LIFE not take time AWAY.

ESSENCE isn't just another thing added to your To Do List.  This is an Experiential Journey that you integrate the Channeled Guided Practice, Frequency Activation and Contemplation into your week.

ESSENCE amplifies your other containers.

Each life changing Guided Experience will help all of the things you are doing to become EASIER and more aligned with EASE and FLOW.

OVERFLOW Frequency Activation

Each week you receive a 20 minute video with a specific 5-10 minute channeled guided practice, 5 minute frequency activation and 15 contemplative integrative journaling.

Everything is encoded with frequency that bypasses your logical mind and activates at a deep level within you.  Spirit-Led, Guided Transformational Work encoded with 9th Dimensional Frequency created to integrate into your physical body with grace and ease.

These 45-60 minutes per week that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

Your Taste of the ESSENCE VIBE

This OVERFLOW Audio is a Frequency Activation that represents the VIBE of ESSENCE.  Overflow is what you get to experience.  Overflow of Love, Joy, Abundance and all the things you desire.


  • Experience automatic cellular level trust as your #norm

  • Naturally infuse your heart focused truth into who you are

  • Create work that is a pure reflection of who you truly are at your core

  • Attract soulmate clients, business partners, colleagues and audience members who feel more like your BFFs

  • Collapse Space and Time because you go with the flow vs. creating resistance

  • Know Your Unique Energetic Cheat Codes (ie. Human Design) & allow your content, programs & creations to flow with ease from within & represent YOU

  • Easily connect to your Inner Guide making decisions from your core and no longer from your wounded place

  • Know how to easily move through limiting beliefs, doubts, and worry

  • Finally really KNOWING & believing in your worthiness

  • Become Confident AF and Know how to Master Your Energy & Emotions

  • Connect You Back to Who You Came Here to Be.

  • Open You Up to Receiving More Than You Ever Dreamed Possible

  • Embody the frequency of your higher-self embodying your soul's mission and massively impacting all of those within your universe raising the vibration of the planet  

  • Have a ton more fun!

In addition to a PRIVATE Community Space, On-Going Support & Direct Access to Guidance from both Christine Michelle & Lígia Leite during this 12-week Activation, You Will Receive

Tap the Icon Below for More Info


Weekly teaching and activation videos with Christine & Ligia helping you to go deep and awaken to your soul's calling


Guided channelled practices specific for each week to help you awaken & activate your true soul's essence.


Frequency Activations to help you lift your vibration, quantum shift, heal and align


To contemplate as you integrate all that you have awakened, activated  and aligned with

Are you ready to do the embodiment work?

Are you willing to go deep into the shadows to integrate all parts of you?

Are you ready to say Fuck this Shit and allow yourself to fully be all of YOU?



Start with a payment of only $444 today



Get Clear on Your Soul's ESSENCE
 Set Intention for the Experience


Recognize how and where Divine Guidance speaks to you 
Anchor Cellular Level Trust 
Activate the frequency of Overflow


Learn how to work with your unique energetic codes (your Human Design)
Uncover & Transmute points of resistance *it gets to be easy!


Time of Space & Grace to allow your physical body to embody and integrate
Uncover new ways of Being & Emoting while Resting & creating space to receive more.


Embody that you are worthy & ready for your wildest dreams NOW
Lock in the frequencies of Surrender & Allowing


Bring your shadows to light
Come back to wholeness


Find & speak your truth
Align with your heart


Receive energetic upgrades
Align with light codes of abundance & overflow


Time of Space & Grace to allow your physical body to embody and integrate
Uncover new ways of Being & Emoting while Resting & creating space to receive more.


Quantum manifestation
Go beyond time and space & collapse timelines


Raise your frequency with Play & Joy
Embody always having & being more than enough


Culmination of all that you Experienced
 Ground the Energy & Higher Frequencies and Learnings into Physical Body


Embody a sense of KNOWING in your OWN inner guidance & guidance from your Guides & Angels.

Trust yourself and know that the work you create is exactly what you were meant to share with the world.

Connect to your Intuition in a way that feels like FLOW and a deep connection with your SugarDaddy also known as The Universe.

Collapse Time and Space and Manifest with Greater Ease due to this next level trust.

Shift to Receive Nudges => Take Aligned Action => Receive

No more Second Guessing.
No more Doubting Yourself.


Become a Clearer Channel

  • Know Who You Truly Are
  • Remember Your Soul's Purpose
  • Step Into Your True Soul's Desires
  • Trust Yourself & Your Intuition
  • Reactivate Your Soul's Mission & Purpose
  • Gain Clarity like never before about your Business & Life
  • Deepen Your Service To the Collective
  • Enter Into a New State of Being Coming from Your Deep Soul Essence
  • Tap Into Your Intention From a Different Level of Consciousness
  • Show up Authentically with No Fear
  • Gain Clarity on Your Voice
  • Confidently Speak Your Unique Truth

12 week Container to Awaken Your Gifts, Activate Your Voice and Embody Your Soul's Purpose

Welcome to Your Quantum Alignment Portal

Power Self Guided Space

Channeled Guidance
Bring your questions weekly to the FB group, experience the Live Magic of Channeled Guidance

8 Video Masterclasses
 Weekly 20 Minute teaching and activation videos with Christine & Ligia helping you to go deep and awaken to your soul's calling

8 Channeled Practices
Guided channelled practices specific for each week to help you awaken & activate your true soul's essence.

8 Frequency Activations
Frequency Activations & Coding Upgrades to help you lift your vibration, quantum shift, heal and align

8 Journal Experiences
To contemplate as you integrate all that you have awakened, activated  and aligned with

PRIVATE Community Space
Intimate Private FB Community
Open Space for you to Connect



Your Soul chose THIS TIME and THIS SPACE to come to THIS WORLD.

Your GIFTS are READY for you to REMEMBER them.

Do you want to connect to your DEEPER PURPOSE?

Are you READY to activate your TRUE SOUL'S ESSENCE?



Start with a payment of only $444 today

Your Activators During This Amplifying & Expansive Experience

Christine Michelle


Christine Michelle is the Founder and CEO of The AlignedSoul by Ana-Hob Personal Development Brand and author of The Aligned Receiver. Lover of the Woo (spiritual) + the Do (practical), Christine left her successful Corporate Executive career to step into her Soul’s Calling.

Known as The Vibration Lifter and Energy Shifter, Christine is an Frequency Alchemizer who helps you shift your frequency and elevate your consciousness to new levels.

Utilizing Human Design, Quantum Physics, NLP, EFT, Gene Keys and a ton of other modalities made her own, Christine helps you to tune into your own wholeness and welcome you home to who you truly are.  She makes Quantum Leaps #normal. Intentional Manifestation gets to be easy.

You can find Christine at:
FB: The AlignedSoul Collective

Lígia Leite


Lígia means 'Clear Voice'. She channels multidimensional guidance & energy upgrades for intuitive leaders to activate their full potential, get crystal clear on their path & next steps. Her work combines quantum energy work & grounded embodiment.

 Lígia started developing her psychic abilities communicating with angels, "feeling the future", receiving messages and channeling dream readings from age 5, with initiations from a lineage of shamans, healers and mediums.  
A former control freak and overthinker journalist from Brazil now based in Belgium, she merges practical mindset modalities and neurolinguistics with Higher consciousness and energy activation. She has a gift to ground the quantum and work with energy through the mind and body, moving and delivering exactly what her clients need with crystal clear guidance.  

Through potent energy upgrades her clients have experienced full career changes, new aligned businesses with daily sales, crystal clear next steps, new brand and business direction with one activation, tripled income in 2 months, full remembrance of their purpose, mission & life's work, awakening of psychic abilities, cellular level trust & more.

Instagram: @iam.ligia.leite

ESSENCE: Awaken & Activate & Embody



Start with a payment of only $444 today