Your Home for Business & Manifestation Mastery

The Worlds Best business & Manifesting Membership

BE* Collective

BE* is where Duchesses are BORN &
Queens are MADE

The ultimate business & manifesting membership for feminine go-getters who are ready to finally manifest that "I want it. I get it Life". Say goodbye to endless  techniques that result in NOTHING and hello to being magnetic AF attracting the business success and whatever you want, how you want it in ALL AREAS of your life.

Your Place for Manifesting Mastery

The Worlds Best Manifesting Membership

BE* Collective

BE* is where Duchesses are BORN & Queens are MADE

The ultimate manifesting membership for feminine go-getters who are ready to finally manifest that "I want it. I get it Life". Say goodbye to endless manifesting techniques that result in NOTHING and hello to being magnetic AF attracting what you want, how you want it in ALL AREAS of your life.

don't talk about it; be about it

If you are ready to:

  • Start living your BEST life TODAY
  • Manifest your most EPIC desires
  • Be an ENERGETIC & PHYSICAL MATCH for riches, love, clients, success, and relationships
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Speak your truth and trust your Intuition
  • Live a life that feels like vacation
  • Become a walking Manifestation In Motion™.

Well, in order to manifest what you desire you have to BE* it first.

And this is so hard to do when you are living everyday life with your friends and family reminding you what is vs. what you desire it to be.

If this is you, become a Duchess and JOIN The BE* Collective.


Mo Money May

Go from 6 Figures to 7 Figure Frequency by revolutionizing your relationship with MONEY

This is what the Duchesses have manifested using the EXACT METHODS I teach inside of the BE* Collective

This isn't a fantasy.  LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES are ready FOR YOU

  • Melissa, Em, Natasha, Danielle, and many others manifested multi-6 figures in sales- $102K days, $500K & quarters, $40K, $50K, $62K & $90K consistent months 
  • Beth manifested the love of her life after a very painful breakup with a longtime boyfriend AND attracted a new job paying her more money than ever
  • Tasha attracted a multiple 5-figure client contract & is making full-time income as a writer  
  • Samantha manifested a lucrative speaking opportunity out of the blue 
  • Sarah received $2000 in 6 hours after having very slow revenue for months
  • AND SOOOO much more

Does any of the following sound like you?

  • You are successful in certain areas of your life but not all areas and you are ready to change that 
  • You are tired of “trying” to manifest and are ready to learn exactly how to do it 
  • You know plenty of manifestation techniques but haven’t manifested what you want consistently
  • You feel like you’re chasing after what you desire and are ready to turn up your magnetism
  • You aren't sure you are manifesting the "right way" because you experience inconsistent results 
  • You are a little bit envious of the women who seem to “have it all”
  • You desire more confidence, more joy and more fulfillment in your life

I see you. I feel you. I was you.  That’s why I created the BE* Collective.


You are here because you want it all.

  • More money than you know what to do with
  • A loving, fun, and passionate intimate relationship
  • A lucrative career/business that aligns with your purpose
  • A sense of well-being in your mind, body, and spirit

In the BE* Collective, you become a Duchess who steps into BEing the woman who aligns with that reality every day.

This is the BEST Manifesting Membership in the WORLD. I created this space for women like you who are ready to thrive in every way possible!

In BE* you show up as your NEXT LEVEL SELF consciously.  Immersing yourself in “it’s already done vibes.”

Don't talk about it. BE about it. This is how you ACTUALIZE your Dream Life in your dream reality.

The BE* Collective Home

Inside the BE*Collective, I share all of my custom MANIFESTING Formulas for success in business, love, career, health and more. 

These are the same ones I share with my private clients who are thriving and attracting massive success, ideal intimate relationships, unique opportunities, and the happiness and fulfillment of their dreams.

In the BE* Collective, you SHOW UP and BE the person who has everything she desires. 

You receive the tools to show up as this person in your CURRENT REAL LIFE so that you become a living breathing magnet rather than chasing it.

 That’s why my clients are so successful. 

When you BE* the woman who has it all in your CONSCIOUS LIFE, you ACTUALIZE a life where you have it all!  

You are only one decision away from experiencing this.

All you have to do is say YES! 

In the BE* Collective you will experience:

  • OVERALL VALUE over $15K
  • Monthly Transmission & Manifestation In Motion (MIM)™ on Zoom where you show up as the YOU who has it all and celebrate in the energy of it is already DONE. 
  • Monthly Ask Me Anything ala Abraham-Hicks style.  We capture the top questions and answer as many as possible within the hour.  Any questions not addressed will be addressed via note/audio throughout the month.
  • Access to all workshops & trainings under $100 
  • Private Members- Only Telegram Group
  • Duchess House: Bonus trainings to include The AlignedSoul Manifesting Formula, custom meditations, affirmations, riffs, somatic tools, scent anchor process, subliminals, create your own playlists (and all the other goodies)
  • Request modules, trainings, meditations, and more

Or UPGRADE for more intimate support

If you want my eyes on your business, life, and relationships and walk through life together, upgrade and join Quantum Queen.

In this Monthly Premium Coaching Experience, I created a powerful close proximity container where you receive custom support specific to you and creating your LEGENDARY 7 Figure empire.

  • Everything w/in The BE* Collective
  • Monthly Abraham-Hicks Hot Seat Style Coaching on Zoom.  Your question supports the whole group.
  • Access to The Telegram Group to connect, manifest, implement, show up as the Queen, Riff, BE* Her NOW
  • Riff Request Access in Telegram-tag me specifically to answer your question and receive coaching.
  • Mindset, Energetic Shifts & Calibration Drops
  • Access to all Micro Programs
  • Priority Access to Request modules, trainings etc.

Allow me to introduce myself.  My name. is Christine Michelle

Hi! I am Christine Michelle, the Quantum Manifestation Queen known worldwide as The Vibration Lifter and Energy Shifter. People call me that because my mere presence causes them to shift their energy and vibration to align with receiving everything they have ever wanted.

Helping you remember who TF you truly are is my SOUL's WORK.  It is what I was born to do.  I am an energetic alchemist. When you enter into The AlignedSoul Universe you leave BETTER than you were when you arrived.

I've been in this Manifesting Game for over 30 years and have not only manifested my BEST LIFE, but I have also helped over 16,000 clients and students do the same.

I manifested my Sex and The City Life which included moving to New York, living down the street from Sarah Jessica Parker, tripling my salary, and more goodness.  I also manifested my most amazing muti-six figure brand, living in a gorgeous high-rise in the most expensive area of Downtown Saint Petersburg, and driving my gorgeous white Tesla named Angel.

I am a Master Manifestor and so are YOU.

After working with me, my clients experience deep shifts that feel instant for them.  

They are:
* More Confident.
* More Self Assured
* Manifesting what they desire

If you have a BIG VISION, desire to make a BIG IMPACT, and want to begin living your BEST LIFE, this is the room you want to be in.

Here are the results you can expect when you join the BE* Collective and do the work:

In my containers, these results are typical. It’s possible for you too. All you have to do is say YES!

  • Manifest unprecedented success in your business and/or career beyond your wildest dreams
  • Embody the confidence of the woman who knows she deserves to have it all
  • Feel a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment with yourself and your life which will make it easier to maintain and grow your success 
  • Effortlessly show up in your business and/or career at your highest and best 
  • Magnetize the love of your life, even if you’ve been single for years or have a history of bad relationships 
  • Experience the BEST sexy of your life 
  • BE* a living, breathing, walking magnet to your desires 
  • Have a deeper connection to your intuition so that you can cultivate a sense of inner knowing that is unshakeable 
  • Shift the fear, self-doubt, and resistance that’s been holding you back

Course Pricing

BE* Collective Monthly

$97 USD

per month

Yes! I'm In

BE* Collective Monthly w/ 7 Day Free Trial

$97 USD

per month

Yes! I'm In

BE* Collective Annual Commitment

$997 USD

per year


The BE*Collective
Your place for Biz & Manifesting Mastery


Monthly Price

Cancel Anytime!
Price could increase at anytime

Quantum Queen
Manifesting Mastermind


Monthly Price

12 mo commitment
Price could increase at anytime


The BE* Collective is the world's Best and Most Comprehensive Manifesting Membership for ambitious, successful women who are looking to manifest EVERYTHING they desire in their life and further their personal and professional growth. We provide high-quality content, expert coaching, and a supportive community to help you enhance all aspects of your life - from love and intimacy to business and finance.

Quantum Queen TAS Total Experience is a monthly Premium Coaching Community for the Whole Woman that includes EVERYTHING in the BE* Collective plus close proximity support. IT is where you go when you are ready to create quantum leaps in your business and life, move fast and manifest faster.

The BE* Collective covers a wide range of topics, including business specifics, manifestation, energetics, strategy, quantum thinking, healing, shadow work, and alchemy. We also delve into leadership and business strategy, as well as personal topics like love, intimacy, spirituality, and health.

Yes, all our learning materials and resources are available for you to access at your convenience.  All live calls have replays and there are opportunities to send your questions in early so you can receive the support you need no matter if you are live or not.

The BE* Collective is unique in its holistic approach to personal and professional growth.  You show up in the energy of already BEING the woman who has everything she desires.  WE support you and walk with you in the energy to expedite your manifestation in the 3D world.  We're not just focused on one aspect of your life - we're committed to helping you enhance all aspects of your life. We also provide a level of depth, quality, and personalization that sets us apart from other programs.       

Our unique community is a place for members to connect, share, and support each other. You can ask questions, share your progress, celebrate your wins, and learn from other members. Our community is active, respectful, and supportive.

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. We have duchesses who have been in the original membership BECOMING for two years.  We have high retention for a reason.  Consistency is key to personal and professional growth, so we encourage members to commit to the program for at least 3-6 months.