QQ-TASTE is here for you, the Bad and Boujee Queen who knows she wants the rule the world 🌎, make more money than Besos ðŸ¤‘, wear long hair, showing legs & clevage and fvck like a rockstar well into her 90s while being spiritual AF, healing generational patterns, collapsing timelines and being WOO AF.

Grab Your Crown
Step into your Destiny

Say goodbye to inconsistent cash months and wondering if you are going to land a client that day.

Say hello to more clients instantly wanting to buy from you because you have combined your Personal Power and Spiritual Power to create a life where ambition meets magic, and miracles become your daily norm.

Quantum Queen

Quantum Queen, The AlignedSoul Total Experience (TASTE) is a premier year-long inner circle coaching experience where you have everything you need to embody your quantum leap in all areas of your life, create monthly recurring revenue that boggles your mind, welcome in the love of your life and walk in the sexiest healthiest body of your dreams.  

QQ-TASTE is the BEST coaching experience to be for the spiritual woman who is ready to pull a seat at the table with fellow leaders. You are ready to answer the call to greater impact and, a stronger voice.

You are meant for Fame & Fortune. You are Bad and Boujee and you don’t just talk about it you BE* about it.  


This inner circle coaching experience is a home for women who see the world differently, are open to infinite possibilities, and ready to experience more wealth, love, and happiness.

Finally, elevate into your next-level identity, win the game of life in all areas, and make more money than you know what to do with.

  • No more thinking you can't make Besos cash AND have the sexy man who will ravish you and love you making you feel like the most desired woman in the world.
  • Stop hiding the fact that you channel messages directly from your higher self and spit out mad genius strategy too.
  • Blast out of the spiritual closet and incorporate your WOO into your Do 
  • Become Beyonce famous in your industry and known for your genius.
  • Create a business that works for you and fits into the dream life you desire to live vs. the other way around.
  • Have the dream clients jumping into your offers over and over again
  • Watch your DMs fill up with people begging for ways to pay you.
  • Turn $10K months into $10K days and weeks with Monthly Recurring Revenue stacking on stacking so that you never have to stress about buying anything you want.
  • Stop choosing between and have it all. This or that becomes This AND That.
  • Manifest a life where you experience buying your parents their dream home, being brought breakfast in bed by your dreamiest wealthiest partner and while feeling the sexiest you've ever felt in your body.
  • BE* an ENERGETIC & PHYSICAL MATCH for riches, love, clients, success, & relationships
  • Do Life and Business YOUR WAY
  • Speak your truth and trust your Intuition
  • Live a life that feels like vacation everyday
  • BE* your Manifestation In Motionâ„¢.

This Inner Circle Coaching Experience was made for you if:

  • You are a leader that knows she is meant to have thousands of clients and millions of fans
  • You desire to create a unicorn-level brand worth not just millions but billions
  • You know your dream client and are messaging you multiple times to get the link to buy
  • You are ready to collapse timelines and manifest in a few days versus a few years
  • You are an action taker who does the daily sales driving activities, promotes her offers daily, supports her clients, and does the courageous scary actions towards her desires daily
  • You are committed to your business and your vision NO MATTER WHAT
  • You are a woman who values inner work and is ready to quantum leap
  • You desire to have consistent cash months and feel balanced and grounded doing it
  • You are ready to focus on the creation of life beyond your wildest dreams
  • You know what you want and are ready to BE* the woman who has it NOW

I see you. I feel you. I was you.  That’s why I created the Quantum Queen The AlignedSoul Total Experience (QQ-TASTE)

This is the Mentoring Experience I dreamed of:

Quantum Queen TASTE, the 12-month coaching experience has premium experiences, courses, trainings, quarterly mastermind experiences & The AlignedSoul Queen Stream with thousands in premium resources and ALL of THIS isn't the focus.  

Quantum Queen is the place where you get to come in and SHINE.  

When I was rising from bankruptcy to creating my nearly $600K brand, I participated in hundreds of programs and mentoring spaces. I deeply desired a space where I could shine. A space where I wouldn't have to hide any part of myself and wouldn't have to conform, where I could be seen, loved, and fully my unique self.

When I was creating the life I have now, I desired the support of a community where I could speak my desires into existence, and no matter what I desired and how BIG it was, the support would be there to challenge me to GO FOR IT NO MATTER WHAT.  


  Quantum Queen TASTE is the home for the TOTAL WOMAN.   

If you desire massive growth in your business, where $10K months become $10K days.  

Where you immerse yourself in a spiritual playhouse with practical movements and amplify the infinite intelligence within you

For the last few years, I spent my time and energy focused on hiring business coaches and joining business masterminds and none of them were what I needed.

I already had the strategy, I already had the business stuff down.  

What I needed was a place that supported me-ALL OF ME-not just the entrepreneur but the WOMAN who desired to have friendships, family time, a sexy body, loving intimate experiences, travel, more money than I knew what to do with, and more.

What I didn't need was another business strategy or marketing content advice.

I needed a place that challenged me to shift my thoughts and beliefs and SHOW UP as the woman who ALREADY HAD IT ALL.  I needed a coach who understood my vision and held me accountable to lead myself in that energy every day.  I needed a place where we played with the magical, spiritual and the LIMITLESS.

What I needed was Quantum Queen.

QQ-TASTE is for the dedicated entrepreneurial woman who is ready for BOTH the business strategy AND the Spiritual ENERGETICS.  The one who is doing the work to align her TOTAL LIFE with her wildest dreams.

Quantum Queen is where you will:

  • Have access to me-a Premier Coach with 30 years of strategic, energetic, and manifesting experience who will walk with you through whatever you are going through
  • Receive specific personalized coaching on your marketing, content, offer suite, business strategy and receive action steps to help you make the moves necessary to create the reality you desire
  • Be allowed to be 100% yourself and challenged to step into the biggest vision of your life
  • Shift into your next level identity in real time, speaking, dressing, and moving in the energy of ALREADY being this you
  • Show up as your Next Level You, speaking, acting and being that YOU NOW

This is what the Queens who work with me have created

This isn't a fantasy.  LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES are ready FOR YOU

  • Melissa left a toxic relationship and $40K annual corporate job to create her own thriving business that brings in $100K cash monthly, created $1MM cash in 2 years and 3 mos attracted the love of her life and just had a beautiful healthy baby.
  • Pamela went from hopeless and nearly accepting a $3k a month job to signing with the opportunity of her dreams nearly triple the salary and with huge potential and a partnership that will change the worlds
  • Em healed her PTSD, finally moved to her dream city feeling safe to live alone, and generated $40k, $50K, and $102k and more days after being afraid to spend on dinners out with friends
  • Natasha, Danielle, and many others manifested multi-6 figures in sales- $102K days, $500K & quarters, $40K, $50K, $62K & $90K consistent months 
  • Beth manifested the love of her life after a very painful breakup with a longtime boyfriend AND attracted a new job paying her more money than ever
  • Tasha went from feeling overwhelm from not getting consistent clients and having bills pile up to getting paid consistently over 5 Figures a full time writer and attracting new clients left and right, living in her dream city and creating a 6 figure brand.
  • Danielle went from $2000/mo to having $160K quarters, manifesting the life she always wanted to live being a present wife, mother, grandmother and having the successful business.
  • Emily sold out her mastermind, had multiple $30k months, and shifted her frequency from anxious and afraid to powerful and confident
  • AND SOOOO much more

Ready to CROWN yourself Queen 👑 of your Universe and experience the life you have always been meant to live?


You are here because you want it all. I know this because I am you and I want it all TOO!  All the women who step into The AlignedSoul World do.  This is what my gift is focused on.  Total Life AMAZINGNESS.

You get to experience:

  • More money than you know what to do with
  • A loving, fun, and passionate intimate relationship
  • A lucrative career/business that aligns with your purpose
  • A sense of well-being in your mind, body, and spirit

Quantum Queen is a mastermind where you will get to walk, talk, breathe, LIVE as the woman who already has everything you want, and thus BE her into existence.

You will feel the healthiest you have ever felt, show up as your most confident self, and watch your bank accounts hit numbers that blow your mind.  

Daily magic and miracles get to be your norm. 

Quantum Queen

The AlignedSoul Total Experience

In the Quantum Queen Mastermind your life and business will change forever and here is how it is going to happen:

  • OVERALL VALUE over $55K
  • PRIVATE Onboarding Call where you can specifically to answer your questions and receive guidance.
  • Monthly group coaching sessions where we will go deep and get to the root of what is going on and how to rapidly uplevel you to where you desire to go (...this includes mindset shifts, energetic uplevels, actual homework, and next steps to integrate REAL CHANGE.)
  • Group Support from me in the QQ Private Telegram Group where you will manifest, implement, show up as the Queen, Riff, BE* Her NOW & connect with other Queens who are creating their most epic lives and doing BIG things
  • The Queen Stream - Access to all of the core The AlignedSoul Programs ON DEMAND including Magic Money, Money Manifesting Intensive, Lucky Girl Energy, Frequency Alchemy, Quantum Queen and more.
  • Accountability to make the moves you committed to making to create your desired reality
  • Riff Requests for me to answer questions and drop psychic channeled guidance and transmissions in the Community Group
  • Access to all Micro Programs 
  • Priority Access to Request modules, trainings, etc.
  • Bonus trainings and access to EVERYTHING in the BE* Collective 

Allow me to introduce myself.  My name. is Christine Michelle

Hi! I am Christine Michelle, the Quantum Manifestation Queen known worldwide as The Vibration Lifter and Energy Shifter. People call me that because my mere presence causes them to shift their energy and vibration to align with receiving everything they have ever wanted.  I am a psychic channel who speaks directly to your soul and draws the exact guidance you need to move forward and continue to blow up your business, have the best relationships and be the healthiest and sexiest you ever.

I am a former corporate executive who has led two world-renowned 9-Figure Brands and I am here to activate Fame, Fortune & Fulfillment in Bad & Boujee Quantum Queens with The AlignedSoul Identity & SuperPower Activation.

I have gone from bankruptcy to creating an international $600K brand and a best selling author of The Aligned Receiver.

My clients have generated over $7 Million dollars in our work together.  I help you remember who TF you truly are.

This is my SOUL's WORK.  It is what I was born to do.  I am an energetic alchemist. When you enter into The AlignedSoul Universe you leave BETTER than you were when you arrived.

After working with me, my clients experience deep shifts that feel instant for them.  

They are:
* Richer
* Happier
* More Confident
* More Self Assured

If you have a BIG VISION, desire to make a BIG IMPACT, and want to begin living your BEST LIFE, this is the room you want to be in.



  • Closing a six-figure deal while lounging on a hammock in the Maldives, and as you put down the phone, a waiter hands you a glass of champagne with a wink.
  • Opening up a glossy magazine to see a full-page feature on your product, and you feel a rush of pride knowing your small idea has become a game-changer.
  • Feel a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment with yourself and your life which will make it easier to maintain and grow your success 
  • Experiencing a surprise getaway, where your sexy gorgeous man takes you to a secluded beach house, and as you watch the sunset, holds your hand and tells you that he has never felt this connected to anyone before.
  • Magnetize the love of your life, even if you’ve been single for years or have a history of bad relationships 
  • Walking into any room and feel like you own it, making eye contact with strangers who instantly sense your self-assured energy
  • Stepping off a private jet in Bali, greeted by your personal guide who takes you to your ocean-view villa where a chilled glass of champagne awaits.


Quantum Queen is a 12 mo premier all-access transformational experience for ambitious women who are ready to have it all where they experience illogical growth, defy all norms and change the world.  This is for you if you desire to move faster and collapse time as you manifest what you want.  This is for you if you are ready to uplevel your marketing, content and your offer suite to attract your dream clients and 3-10x your revenue.

Quantum Queen is created for someone who knows this is a limitless universe and will not take NO for an answer when it comes to achieving their desires.  You are ambitious, smart and through and will take the necessary actions to create this reality.  

Quantum Queen ladies join with a 12-month commitment minimum.  We have a very high retention rate because the results, support, and relationships created are next level. 

Yes, all our learning materials and resources are available for you to access at your convenience.  All live calls have replays and there are opportunities to send your questions in early so you can receive the support you need no matter if you are live or not.

First, you have access to me as your personal coach within the Telegram Community. You can request riffs that will benefit the entire group and you have twice-monthly coaching calls where you can receive laser coaching. Additionally, we have a FB Group where you can connect with the community and share.

What is so potent about QQ-TASTE is you have support from the other Queens within the Mastermind who are also top in their fields across varying industries.  Our unique community is a place for members to connect, share, and support each other. You can ask questions, share your progress, celebrate your wins, and learn from other members. Our community is active, respectful, and supportive.